This page was created to organize many of the existing collections or materials relevant to our project regardless of media type, though most of the archives currently posted consist of images. Its goal is to add nuance to general claims made and relevant evidence to support a lot of the historical evidence found elsewhere and on the website. This is useful to anyone who is interested in analyzing the clashes of Black students and administration throughout the history of the US through first degree sources.
Brown University Archive Over the course of the semester, we pulled together copies of documents that were relevant to the local history of Black student protest at Brown and the national history of student protest generally. We've deposited them here in a Google Drive.
CSREA Archive Brown's Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America has a small institutional archive, most of the materials within it are from the Center's founding moment.
Providence Public Library Special collections at the PPL includes full runs of the Providence Journal, which closely covered the civil rights struggle inside and outside of Providence. The library is located on Empire Street in down city Providence. Its website is right here.
Rhode Island Historical Society Less of a resource for in-depth civil rights information, but a valuable repository of Rhode Island background history. The RIHS Networked Online Public catalog is a search tool to filter the print materials available at the historical society.
Slavery and Justice at Brown University This Brown Political Review Op-Ed analyzes Brown's history with slavery and presents ways the university can move forward in dealing with this past.
Blacks at Brown Hosted by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion at Brown and based on a project for the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice at Brown, this website recognizes black presence at Brown. Similarly, the website Race and Remembering was created by ETHN 0790 to "critically examine race at Brown University."
Student Activism Timeline This is a timeline of activism and institutional initiative at Brown. It was created by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. Similarly, the BCSC created this Archive and Timeline of Student Activism. We chose to include it here because of each event is linked to an archive, like an administrative letter or board meeting summary. This Timeline of Community Activism Since the 1970's details strikes and takeovers of university buildings and, as before, publishes a corresponding archive to each event.
Herstory of Women at Brown This website includes a history, reports, and interviews of women of color at Brown.
Brown-Tougaloo Partnership Archive A keyword-searchable database including civil rights era material from both institutions, this archive is the perfect place to learn about the ongoing Brown-Tougaloo exchange and its origins.
National Campus Demands This 2015 list of demands was compiled by WeTheProtesters from protesters across the country. The website links to the individual list of demands from a multitude of universities.
Greensboro Sit-Ins This is an excellent summary of the 1960 Greensboro sit-ins carried out by black college students. It details how they began, evolved and spread, and the change that they produced.
“Project C” This 1960s educating effort by the SCLC to give citizen education. They focused on teaching students nonviolent methods of action to end segregation.
SNCC Timeline This interactive timeline takes people through the history of the SNCC from 1943 to present.